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good neighbors doing good things

Our young family next door decided today would be a good day to clear the gutters and sweep under parked trucks, collect fallen branches and make this world a better place. I will make bread for them tomorrow, today is already shot. 
I found two old auto bridge games, I have played with these in the past and it is not quite the same as bridge with partners, body language, signals, and fore head slapping but will do in a pinch. I learned bridge when i was 16 playing with my parents or just my Mom , "Honey moon bridge" a  simplified version for two rather than four. She let me win so I liked the game a lot. We played so much bridge at University my roommate would sit straight up in a sound sleep asking "What's trump". "Spades" I would say and she would go back to slumber land. 
All ambition and creativity have gone somewhere -not here- hiding for now, i guess. Weird head space to be sure.  I think that I need a basket full of kittens, or a wad of opium, which ever is more likely. 

Tomorrow articles of impeachment will be presented as well as a quicker proposal  to keep the Orange king George from ever holding another political office. Impeachment  delayed so Joe can get his bearings. When it does happen, again, it will stick and the great orange lunatic will be stripped of all perks, no secret service, no pay, no advantages. He will spend the rest of his life in the courts and then he will die and then he will take up residence with dust and worms, of course his grave will be toxic so...big , thick wall around it. BUILD THAT WALL! (soon)

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