Not sure how or why but after a day of feeling tired yesterday, today I have felt completely invigorated. It has been without doubt the warmest day of the year so far and wall to wall sunshine. After doing the Mind Games in The Times I went round the block with Priscilla - the easiest I have done it since falling. On coming back home I was able to get the washing into the tumble drier and set if off before making my morning coffee, drinking my coffee and also reading a bit more of my Times.
After lunch friend D rang to see if she could visit and duly arrived half an hour later. We had a super chatty afternoon - they had recently been to Turkey on holiday and enjoyed it greatly. It is many years since my first husband and I had three weeks there - Istanbul, then across the top of the Sea of Marmara, to Gallipoli, across the Dardanelles and then down the coastal area to all the ancient sites - Troy, Ephesus, Didyma and the like. We finally had a few days to recuperate in Alanya before flying home as it had been such a hectic holiday. The farmer and I also had a brief trip to Ephesus from the Greek Islands.
My friend and her husband had a week in Antalya with lovely weather. She always suffers in Winter without the sun so it really did her good.
After D had gone I managed my five 'laps' of the patio before I had my tea. It took very little effort today - I could hardly manage it yesterday but found it pleasant today. The after watching Michael Portillo's rail journey from Berlin through Germany I have come into the bedroom to 'pen' this. Hope it finds you all well and happy. See you tomorrow.
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