Genre - Horror
Year Published - 2016
Length - 56 (digital) pages
Written by Thomas S. Flowers
Rating: 5 Skulls
Plot Summary:
Whit had done everything right, but when the world seems against you, can good boys stay good? Whit never drank in excess, never said a bad word to anyone, did his taxes, even called his mom on Sundays, never even had a tattoo...until one night, the night a malicious clown turned everything upside down.
Thomas S. Flowers has done it again! He has crafted yet another tale that puts you directly into the skin of the main character, where you actually feel like you are within the story itself.
This is a story that you want to read, after having had a really bad day, because I can pretty much assure you that your bad day is not near as bad as Von Whitstein's days. This one is guaranteed to make your day better!
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