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Project Olustee: Starting the Endgame Work.

     It is almost a finished project. I still have a lot left to do for the final month before Historicon 2018, but it is closer to being finished. I have have a few hundred figures left to paint, several trees, markers,and touch up work to do. I am confident that I will have the time. Either that or I will make the time. The only hick up that is currently stopping me for a couple of days is the trip to this year's Nashcon in Franklin, TN. That should be a good trip. Kalissa will be running the Bolt Action Tournament there.
     When we get back, it will be a Convention Game Blitzkrieg! I have been keeping up by doing at least one thing a day towards finishing our projects. Even the baby steps add up. This way I will not have to find myself doing overnight projects to get things done like I might have back in high school for the papers that needed to be done. Besides, I would like to done more test runs for the games to make sure I understand the rules well enough with out looking at them. If they are the success I plan them to be, looking up a rule or two for special circumstances should not be much of an issue. I plan to have multiple quick rounds per hour with lots of dice throwing. There will be blood, but not oil like the Daniel Day Lewis movie. Anyway, here is a little overview of pictures of how close this is to getting done. Enjoy!

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