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aspen eye, yearling, crow dinner, elf bed

Short walk yesterday, building my go power! There is one street that has several aspen along side the walkway, every one of them  , looking at you. SEEING you.kind of cool and kind of creepy.

Outside my bedroom window, one of the yearlings relaxes for about two hours, moves on, comes back around five to nibble on whatever she can find.

 along the wooded path , nestled in an old stump , the left overs from a crow's dinner.

I took a photo of this little red bit , not sure what it was, thought at first it was a thimble berry but it is too early for thimble berries, got it home and on my computer to discover it is actually a tiny elf bed!

Lilacs are just perfect right now, fragrant and out loud!
They do not last long, usually I collect a bunch and plop them in a jar on the table but Mr. Man thinks their aroma is too heady so I put my pirate scissors away this year and just sniff as I go.

 There are carpets of flowers, and walls of flowers,

The weather has been exceptional for a few days!

I could easily get used to nice weather all year round. When I lived in San Diego the weather was perfect every day- I did not miss seasons at all.

tell me where I can find San Diego weather with no people, no traffic,please.

Not sure what that very pink bunch is...at first I though azalea but it is not. It is put-your-eye-out bright !! Loving spring pink!

The pink Rhody shelters our yearling well. I can hear her in the morning through the open window, trying to be silent.
All is well.

Listen...you can hear her being silent....

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